This site is dedicated to a celibration of the life of Jerry V. Ceres, III.

If you have any pictures of Jerry, we are trying to gather them for this site. Please contact:
10/30/19- Thanks to Kristen! we have some new pictures from the 4/01 NCL Cruise

On May 21st, 2003, a 32 foot climbing tower was installed at Forestburg Scout Reservation near Port Jervis, New York. This was made possible through the many contributions to Monmouth Council Boy Scouts in Jerry's name. The dedication took place on July 26th with many members of Jerry's troop, scouters, friends and family in attendance.

A close friend dedicated his Eagle project, a library, to Jerry

This article appeared in the November 2004 of Monmouth Council's Scouting Trails

The Tait McKenzie statue honors Eagle Scout Jerry Ceres, III.

As you walk towards the new entrance to the Service Center you will be greeted by a life size bronze statue of a Boy Scout. The Tait McKenzie statue is dedicated to the memory of Eagle Scout Jerry Ceres, III and serves as a reminder to all of us that “Service to Others” is what our program is all about.

Dr. McKenzie was a surgeon, educator, artist and one of the leading sculptors in America. He served on the Executive Board of the Philadelphia Council from 1911—1938 and designed the original statue for them. In his original letter he describes the statue:


“He trusts that his uncovered head may betoken them to reverence, obedience to proper authority, the well-ordered discipline so necessary to our well-being as a nation; that the hatchet, on which his hand rests, may serve as a symbol of truthfulness that characterized him who first sat in the chair of state in this the birthplace of national freedom in America; that he may never unsheathe it for grinding purposes; that he may never raise it in the cause of wanton destruction, but always for the defense of the weak and for hewing out new and nobler standards of conduct and progress; that he may apply it unceasingly to the neck of treachery, treason, cowardice, discourtesy, dishonesty and dirt.”

We hope that on your next visit to the Service Center you will take a minute to enjoy and reflect on the meaning of Scouting and the beauty of our new statue and all it represents.


Some of Jerry's friends dedicated a brick at the local library



November 18, 2004 - Jerry's 20th Birthday


June 2002 - Recital

April 2001

Norwegian Cruise Lines

SS Norway


Beach Jam October, 1999 Wildwood, New Jersey


Somerset Hike December, 1999


Radio - Thon June 1999, Bucks Mill Park


Russ Kaufmann's Eagle Court of Honor

January 2002


Shawnee Ski Weekend March, 1999

Shawnee Ski Weekend
March 2000


Wharton State Forest, April 1999

December 2001

Battle of Monmouth Trail Hike


OA Brotherhood Day


Big Brook Trail

Bridge building projects March 1999


Rock Climbing - November 2001



Winter cabin camping at Conklin Scout Reservation

February 2002


JLT 2001

Junior Prom 2002

Klondike Derby

February 2001

Klondike Derby
February 1999


Cemetery Restoration

June 2000

Den 4 and Den Chief

Blue & Gold, February 1999

Graduation party
June 2001

Graduation Party
June 1999